Federal Solar Tax Credit Extended

Congress also allocates funds for renewables and energy storage R&D; Directs Interior Department to set goal of at least 25GW of solar, wind and geothermal production on public lands by 2025 Photo from Affordable Solar Federal tax credits for solar installations...

Kids Calendar Art Contest

ASME is hosting a kids art contest for a chance to be featured in the 2021 ASES Wall Calendar!   All students K-12 are encouraged to submit a drawing with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. More info can be found below: ASES Art...

Countdown Begins with Twelve!

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!  Our scientists, have sounded the alarm, ok, written. Climate change is happening and we, the people, are causing it. Our global smoke detector is doing its job. I hope all of you noticed the report, FOURTH NATIONAL CLIMATE ASSESSMENT, released on...


The SOLAR 2018 national conference for NMSEA happened August 6-8. Our parent organization, the American Solar Energy Association or ASES, held this year’s educational, inspirational and networking conference in Boulder, CO. Our president, Athena, and several New...