Albuquerque Chapter Meeting – New power with mPower, Solar Power International, and Suniva Trade Case

North Domingo Baca Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE , Albuquerque

New Power with mPower and More! Join us as Murat Okandan, PhD, CEO of mPower Technology (link), updates us on a deployed Sandia Lab technology to reformat solar installation. Also, join the discussion on PV panel tariffs and Solar Power International. We'll probably throw in some mayoral thoughts as well. Jim DesJardins will give a short presentation on the recent Solar Power International Show and an update on the Suniva 201 trade case. Murat will give a presentation on a micro-singulated, highly resilient silicon PV technology that allows >5x faster solar deployment. The presentation will provide an overview of the technology, early markets and potential large scale applications. Free and open to the general public. Come hang out with other concerned citizens to learn how you can do your part as we all transition toward a more sustainable lifestyle.  The Albuquerque Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of Jan, March, May, July, Sept & Nov.  Contact Jim DesJardins at  - Like our ABQ Facebook page