Explora Presentation

Albuquerque Explora 1701 Mountain Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM, United States

Join us for a live stream at Explora about our Sun Chaser.

National Solar Tour

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The largest grassroots solar, renewable energy and sustainable living event in the nation. For 25 years, ASES has organized and delivered the largest grassroots solar event in the U.S., the […]

Thomas Conroy Webinar Talk

Tom has developed an economic development strategy for N.M. which exploits our states lowest cost (COE) of renewable electricity in the U.S. advantages (LCORE). Tom is now working to develop […]

Speakers Series – The talk your Co-op Does Not Want You To Hear!

Tune in to hear how Kit Carson Rural Electric Co-op (KCEC) achieved the lowest Co-op rates in New Mexico with 100% solar-powered electricity on summer days. Your co-op can too! KCEC not only built its own solar arrays to achieve the lowest co-op electricity rates in the state but did so by leaving Tri-State Transmission and Generation Association, Inc., the coal-heavy, Colorado-based co-op. Tri-State supplies electricity to almost all of New Mexico’s Rural Electric Co-ops. Solar-generated electricity costs one-third of the cost of coal-generated electricity. In this talk, Luis Reyes will explain how KCEC bought out its contract, inspired other co-ops to exit and is now able to supply its members with 100 percent renewable solar during summer days.
