Board Meeting

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Open to all members. Send any agenda items to at least 72 hours prior.

Albuquerque Chapter Meeting – New power with mPower, Solar Power International, and Suniva Trade Case

North Domingo Baca Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE , Albuquerque, NM, United States

New Power with mPower and More! Join us as Murat Okandan, PhD, CEO of mPower Technology (link), updates us on a deployed Sandia Lab technology to reformat solar installation. Also, join the discussion on PV panel tariffs and Solar Power International. We'll probably throw in some mayoral thoughts as well. Jim DesJardins will give a short presentation on the recent Solar Power International Show and an update on the Suniva 201 trade case. Murat will give a presentation on a micro-singulated, highly resilient silicon PV technology that allows >5x faster solar deployment. The presentation will provide an overview of the technology, early markets and potential large scale applications. Free and open to the general public. Come hang out with other concerned citizens to learn how you can do your part as we all transition toward a more sustainable lifestyle.  The Albuquerque Chapter meets on the 4th Tuesday of Jan, March, May, July, Sept & Nov.  Contact Jim DesJardins at  - Like our ABQ Facebook page  

Fossil Fuel Free by 2023: a personal challenge – Albuquerque Chapter mtg

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Come join us to find out how personal choices can help YOU leave fossil fuel behind and still live a fine life! Our president, Athena, was slowly working toward this goal and has recently set a SMART goal and stepped up the game. Missed our workshop about navigating the solar marketplace? We'll have an abbreviated version and several vendor members in attendance for your convenience and opportunity be a savvy consumer. FREE and family friendly!

Annual Member Meeting

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Come! Hang out with the best community in this state for making 100% RE happen! Get the latest scoop on our efforts to lead the transformation by example, education, and advocacy. Please bring a finger food to share. Prepare to vote for your new board members Be inspired!

Sprint! to a Smaller Carbon Footprint

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Electric Vehicles: Sprint! to a lower carbon footprint. Or should we say ZOOM!!! We’re all interested in seeing action on climate change at the local, state, and national level, but we also know there are ways we each can lessen our individual impacts. Want to make a huge impact to reduce your own personal carbon footprint?  Join us in a conversation about how to make it happen in the transportation sector. Full collection of electric vehicles in eastern dirt parking lot beginning at 5pm (depending on weather), Tom Solomon ( co-chair, NMSEA board)  - (main presentation: 6pm) - Tesla owner  special guest Daren Zigich (Energy, Minerals, Natural Resources Department) and special presentation - Energy Roadmap Project - Bolt driver Athena Christodoulou (NMSEA board) - Nissan Leaf owner. Peter Heald - Volt owner Full collection in eastern dirt parking lot  beginning at 5pm (depending on weather) After these presentations, the audience will be encouraged to share personal experiences and questions, with the hope that new ideas and insights will lead to more and more steps towards a fossil-free future.  

Solar Fiesta and Board Meeting

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Not your typical board meeting, but a mashup for the final push to launch Solar Fiesta 2018.