Sky Truth – Webinar at 350NM

If You Can See it You Can Change It SkyTruth is a conservation technology nonprofit using satellite imagery and data to inspire people to protect the environment. John Amos develops organizational strategy and partnerships, mentors technical staff, and provides remote sensing expertise as needed. He is an expert in the use of satellite images and other remote sensing data to understand and communicate local, regional and global environmental issues. Educated as a geologist (at the University of Wyoming for his M.S. and Cornell University for his B.S.), John spent 10 years applying image processing, image analysis, and digital mapping techniques to conduct environmental, exploration and resource assessment studies for the energy and mining industries and government entities. More info

EMNRD Webinar Series: Grid Reliability, Resilience and Multiple Use for Batteries in NM

The Energy Transition Act of NM (NM ETA) requires the state’s retail electricity sales to be carbon free by 2050. The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NM PRC) began meeting that objective recently when it unanimously approved a plan to replace the coal-fired San Juan Generating Station near Farmington, N.M., with 650 MW of photovoltaics (PV) and 300 MW of energy storage by 2022. These brief webinars will explore the technical requirements and other measures necessary to achieve the NM ETA objectives, and to help inform regulators and policy makers, utilities, industry, and the public on the pathways to meeting them. This is a series of four, two-hour webinars, 10 am – noon, on the second Tuesday of every month starting in November (see below). Presenters and panelists will be experts from the national labs, PNM, the State of NM, the energy storage and renewable energy industry, and others, with emphasis on how similar objectives are being pursued in other states. Date / Time February 09, 2021 |10:00am-12:00pm Location Virtual Webinar Register here.


Webinar: Making the Most of New Mexico’s Clean Energy Transition

Speaker: Seth Blumsack, Professor of Energy Policy and Economics, Santa Fe Institute and Penn State University New Mexico has enacted one of the most aggressive targets in the U.S. to achieve a zero-carbon electricity grid, the Energy Transition Act. There is a lot of work to come in order to achieve this goal, but simply meeting the targets set by the Energy Transition Act leaves a lot of potential value on the table, in terms of clean energy achievement and leveraging clean energy policy for economic development. Dr. Blumsack will discuss a recent Santa Fe Institute workshop report that discusses strategies to achieve renewable electricity goals at the maximum possible benefit, and to use decarbonization in the power grid to achieve broader clean energy gains. FREE  Q&A to follow. Seth Blumsack is on the faculty of the Santa Fe Institute, and is Professor of Energy Policy and Economics and International Affairs in the John and Willie Leone Family Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at Penn State University. He also directs Penn State’s interdisciplinary Center for Energy Law and Policy. Dr. Blumsack holds a B.A. in math and economics from Reed College, an M.S. in economics and a Ph.D. in engineering and public policy, both from Carnegie-Mellon. He has studied regulation and technology transition in the electricity industry for twenty-five years.

Turn off the Gas

Transitioning to an all-electric home is the wave of the future and a climate imperative. So, want to get off propane or natural gas heating? Find out how you can use the latest electric heat pump technology to replace your home's gas furnace and hot water heater. Join our panel of homeowners who have taken the plunge!  Monday, February 22, 2021. 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Zoom Meeting ID: 889 7179 2608. Passcode: 819988.