A Community Response to Fracking: An On-The-Ground Perspective

Congregation Albert 3800 Louisiana NE, Albuquerque, United States

CongregationALBERT  Green Team Speakers present this series on the community response to fracking. Asha Canalos will discuss her several-year battle against fracking infrastructure and identify some of the lessons learned. She will compare regional legal battles and local issues of climate justice in the Northeast and Southwest. Canalos will provide advice for those interested in defending their communities from the risk and harms of fracking and fracking infrastructure projects. She will discuss what is happening in New Mexico. Could this happen in Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties?

KUNM Spring 2018 Fundraiser

The KUNM spring 2018 fundraiser is early this year, Saturday March 17 to Friday, March 23, and our president, Athena, is answering phones in the morning of the 23rd - 5:45-9am. If we had brought four or more members to answer phones, NMSEA would have received a $50 certificate towards announcements on KUNM. As well as networked.  

Sprint! to a Smaller Carbon Footprint

North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center 7521 Carmel Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM

Electric Vehicles: Sprint! to a lower carbon footprint. Or should we say ZOOM!!! We’re all interested in seeing action on climate change at the local, state, and national level, but we also know there are ways we each can lessen our individual impacts. Want to make a huge impact to reduce your own personal carbon footprint?  Join us in a conversation about how to make it happen in the transportation sector. Full collection of electric vehicles in eastern dirt parking lot beginning at 5pm (depending on weather), Tom Solomon (350NM.org co-chair, NMSEA board)  - (main presentation: 6pm) - Tesla owner  special guest Daren Zigich (Energy, Minerals, Natural Resources Department) and special presentation - Energy Roadmap Project - Bolt driver Athena Christodoulou (NMSEA board) - Nissan Leaf owner. Peter Heald - Volt owner Full collection in eastern dirt parking lot  beginning at 5pm (depending on weather) After these presentations, the audience will be encouraged to share personal experiences and questions, with the hope that new ideas and insights will lead to more and more steps towards a fossil-free future.