The foundation for serious Advocacy efforts is accurate & reliable INFORMATION.
     Being well-informed takes commitment & work. Energy-related issues are complex, often highly political and/or ideological, and almost always closely tied to state & national economic interests and global environmental issues.
    In New Mexico, the Public Regulatory Commission (PRC) regulates all public utilities & electric co-operatives. “Hot” energy issues & initiatives in NM often center on PRC interpretations & decisions with respect to NM State statutes. The State Legislature writes the statutes – the PRC interprets & implements them.
    It’s important to keep in mind that “official” documents & testimony submitted to the PRC by Utilities and/or other lobbying organizations are designed to influence PRC decisions in favor of a particular position or legal outcome that is advantageous to that particular utility or organization. PRC submittals & testimony should not be assumed to be “fair & balanced” & objective. Each party is arguing its case, as best it can, to favor its own objectives. The arguments are sometimes intentionally confusing, misleading & even inaccurate.
    The current “hot energy-related topics” listed below include links to “official” PRC documents and/or related editorials & articles & presentations.
The 2014 PNM IRP (20 yr Integrated Resource Plan Update)
The PRC requires PNM to go thru this “Planning” exercise every 3 years.
The result isn’t new rules or regs, just PNM’s take on what the future holds.
It can be fascinating reading because it occasionally reveals what PNM executives really think about all this RE & energy efficiency stuff that they’re being “forced” to comply with.
For background information, here’s a SunPaper article about the 2011 PNM IRP
“The End of Pretend” (PDF)
If you’re short on not-so-light reading material, here’s the link to the 2014 PNM IRP document – all 203 pages of it :
 Here’s a SunPaper article about the 2014 PNM IRP
The San Juan Generating Station/EPA Settlement
Better than all coal-fired, but – – –
PNM’s Proposal was submitted to the PRC on Feb 5, 2014.
PRC San Juan Part 1Â Â (PDF)
PRC San Juan Part 2 Â (PDF)
A serious effort was made to “negotiate” an agreement among the litigants.
Six organizations “signed off” on the agreement in late 2014 but as additional information and major cost concerns emerged, three of those organizations withdrew their support in January 2015.
New Energy Economy led the opposition to the PNM Proposal
Formal PRC Hearings were concluded in late January 2015
The 2014 PNM Rate Case
PNM always requests a big rate increase. The PRC always gives them less than they ask for.
The PV Interconnect Rate Rider Zombie Returns! This could kill residential PV in NM.
The formal rate case proposal was submitted to the NMPRC in Mid-December 2014.
Here’s a link to the rate case proposal documents
 Here is a (growing) list of articles related to the 2014 PNM Rate Case
“PNM’s War on New Mexicans” (PDF) – an overview of the proposal
“PNM & Mis-Leadership” (PDF) – summarizing PNM’s misleading PR statements
These are PowerPoint Presentations about the 2014 PNM Rate Case
The Pushback Against Energy Efficiency & RE in NM & Across the Country
The Martinez Admin-appointed NM Construction Industries Commission rolled back building energy efficiency standards adopted by the previous Commission.
The Martinez Admin-appointed NM State Environmental Improvement Board rolled back the modest requirement to reduce CO2 emissions passed by the previous Board.
The NM PRC attempted to cut NM Renewable Portfolio Standards for PV in half in late 2013.
​Here is a link to a SunPaper article about the Utility Lobby’s efforts to reverse RE mandates
“Disruptive Challenges” (PDF)
Electric Utility Decoupling
Electric utilities have a business model based on generating & selling electricity – the more the better
Electricity rate charges often cover both “variable costs” which depend on how much electricity is used, and “fixed costs” which don’t depend on how much electricity is used.
Energy efficiency initiatives reduce the demand for their “product”, and cut their income & profits
Decoupling proposals try to reduce utilities’ dependency on selling electricity to cover fixed costs.
If you want even more info about Decoupling, click HERE