Just for Students
The Best Solar Song! “Why Does the Sun Really Shine”
(you can download this song from i-Tunes or other on-line music sources) -
Stanford Solar Center http://solar-center.stanford.edu/
Florida Solar Energy Center: http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/education/k-12/index.htm
California Energy Education Resources for Parents and Teachers:
Energy Quest Materials: http://www.energy.ca.gov/education/ -
Energy Information Administration kids page: http://www.eia.gov/kids/
Light & Electricity http://www.delmarfans.com/educate/kids-science-light-electricity/
Solar System Astronomy: http://www.kiddyhouse.com/Kids/space.html
To learn more about photosynthesis, a good place to start is the Arizona State University Photosynthesis program website: https://bioenergy.asu.edu/education
- For advanced high school, university and graduate students wanting to learn about photovoltaics and semiconductor physics, check out pveducation.org
Just for Teachers
Lesson Plans and Activities
- Solar Activities Handbook from the QESST Center at ASU and UNM. Check out the solar amusement park, “Houston, We Have a Problem!” lesson plan, Ella the Electron and much more!
- Help your students imagine their solar future with The Weight of Light, a collection of Sci-fi stories about solar energy. Have them watch Climate Activist Xiye Bastida’s 3-minute video Imagine the Future. Then have them design their own renewable energy art installation with the Land Art Generator Initiative. Land Art has a lot of other great educational games and projects.
- A great interactive, proactive video on Climate Change led by teens is at the Alliance for Climate Education.
NMSEA’s “Using the KAW Meter in the Classroom” http://www.nmsolar.org/Pages/KAW-Meter.aspx
NMSEA’s “Electricity 101” http://www.nmsolar.org/Pages/Electrons-101.aspx3
Florida Solar Energy Center:
http://www.fsec.ucf.edu/en/education/k-12/curricula/index.htmEquipment & Kits
NEED http://www.need.org/
Pitsco https://www.pitsco.com/
Scientifics Direct https://www.scientificsonline.com/shop/alternative-energy?Page=1
KidWind (Vernier) http://www.kidwind.org/#!blank-1/ij4am
NMSEA’s RE-Related Multi-Media
NMSEA SunTalks – short & informative audio + text “talks” about Renewable Energy
NMSEA’s 13-part “Renewable New Mexico” Video Series
NMSEA’s YouTube Videos (a selection of RE-related videos & Solar Fiesta presentations)
US Government Sites
National Renewable Energy Laboratories Info Pages http://www.nrel.gov
DOE Renewable Energy: http://energy.gov/eere/renewables
Energy Policy and Subsidies – Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy www.dsireusa.org
DOE Energy Information Administration: http://www.eia.gov/
Department of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network: http://www.eren.doe.gov/
US Global Change Research Program: http://www.globalchange.gov/
National Resources Defense Council site on Energy use and impacts: https://www.nrdc.org/issues/energy
NM State, County, City & Town Related Sites
Energy Conservation and Management Division of the NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (Santa Fe, NM) http://www.emnrd.state.nm.us/ecmd/
NM Public Regulation Commission (they regulate NM Utilities & RE Standards)
http://www.nmprc.state.nm.us/ -
County of Santa Fe – http://www.santafecountynm.gov/public_works/energy
City of Santa Fe
Renewable Energy
https://www.santafenm.gov/sustainable_santa_fe -
City of Silver City Office of Sustainability
http://www.townofsilvercity.org/r/town_of_silver_city_NM.php?r=75,g2prb -
City of Albuquerque
https://www.cabq.gov/municipaldevelopment/renewable-energy -
County of Los Alamos U.S. – Japan Smart Grid Project Videos
http://www.losalamosnm.us/utilities/Pages/default.aspx -
Kit Carson Electric (Taos, NM) NM’s most “Renewable” Electric Cooperative
Renewable Energy Advocacy Organizations in NM
Renewable Energy Industry Association of New Mexico http://reia-nm.org/
Renewable Taos http://renewabletaos.org/
New Mexico Public Interest Research Group http://www.nmpirg.org/
Environment New Mexico http://environmentnewmexico.org/programs/nme/solar-all?_ga=1.95496661.894842309.1462140751
Sierra Club http://www.riograndesierraclub.org/
Union of Concerned Scientists http://www.ucsusa.org/clean-energy/increase-renewable-energy/clean-power-plan-new-mexico#.Vyd9mI-cEic
Renewable Energy Education Degree/Certificate Programs
Central New Mexico Community College (Albuquerque, NM)
http://www.cnm.edu/programs-of-study/all-programs-a-z/electrical-trades -
Northern New Mexico College (Espanola, NM)
http://nnmc.edu/home/academics/colleges-and-departments/engineering/career-and-technical-education/ -
Santa Fe Community College (Santa Fe, NM) http://www.sfcc.edu/trades_and_advanced_technology_center/sustainable_technologies
Mesalands Community College Wind Center (Tucumcari, NM) http://www.mesalands.edu/academic-programs/degrees-certificates/wind-energy-technology-program/
Dona Ana Community College (Las Cruces, NM) http://dacc.nmsu.edu/tcen/
Solar Energy International (Colorado) http://www.solarenergy.org/
University of New Mexico School of Engineering (Albuquerque, NM) http://soe.unm.edu/
University of New Mexico Sustainability Studies Program (Albuquerque, NM) https://sust.unm.edu/index.html
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM)
https://et.nmsu.edu/academics/degree-programs-overview/renewable-energy-technologies-minor/ -
Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ)
https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/undergraduate/bachelor-science-sustainability/ - See more at https://www.energydegrees.org/
Renewable Energy Related Hands-On Workshops
Solar Energy International (Colorado) http://www.solarenergy.org/
Ampersand Sustainable Learning Center (near Cerrillos, NM)
http://ampersandproject.org/ -
Natural Building Resources (Kingston, NM) strawbale
http://www.strawbalecentral.com/ -
Heart Mind Alliance (Espanola, NM) www.heartmindalliance.org
Passive Solar Design
Architecture 2030 (Santa Fe, NM): part of an ongoing effort to provide information and innovative solutions in the fields of architecture and planning, in an effort to address and reverse the destructive trend toward global climate change)
NMSEA’s Passive Solar Info + Detailed Design Guide for Northern NM
http://www.nmsolar.org/Pages/Passive-Solar.aspx -
DOE Solar Decathlon http://www.solardecathlon.gov/
Build Green New Mexico, the Green Building Initiative of the Home Builders Association of Central New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) http://buildgreennm.com/
Earthship Biotecture (Taos, NM) http://earthship.net/
Natural Homes (Santa Fe, NM) http://newvillage.com/
Passive Solar Greenhouse (Questa, NM) http://www.passivesolargreenhouse.com/
US Green Building Council – New Mexico Chapter
http://www.usgbc.org/usgbc-new-mexicoEnvironmentally Friendly and Efficient Building Materials
Adobe International (Milan, NM: adobe) http://www.adobe-block.com/
Natural Building Resources (Kingston, NM) strawbale http://www.strawbalecentral.com/
Pumice-Crete (El Prado, NM) http://www.pumicecrete.com/
Solatube Skylights (The Natural Lighting Co – Albuquerque)
Renewable Energy
DOE Energy Information http://www.eia.gov/
Rocky Mountain Institute (Co) http://www.rmi.org/
Basic information about the Sun can be found at the website of the Solar Physics Group at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/mssl/solar
New Mexico Solar Energy Association (you’re already here!)
El Paso Solar Energy Association (not in New Mexico, but involved with residents of Southern New Mexico)
Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy (New Mexico) http://www.cfcae.org/
Green Energy Ohio One of the largest ASES State Chapters
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NREL Photo Gallery
NREL Renewable Resource Data Center
NREL New Mexico Renewable Energy Resource Maps -
World-wide Information System for Renewable Energy (Envirolink).
Solar Electricity (Photovoltaics; PV)
PV Generation Potential Maps http://solartoday.org/category/solar/pv-power-map/
Community Solar https://www.communitysolarhub.com/
PV Watts Calculator http://pvwatts.nrel.gov/
- To learn about college and graduate- level photovoltaics, semiconductor physics and batteries: pveducation.org
Solar Thermal
Southwest Technology Development Institute (Las Cruces, NM)
Solar Rating and Certification Corporation – for solar hot water and pool systems
Build It Solar – for the do-it-yourselfer, mostly thermal
Wind Power
DOE Wind Energy Program http://energy.gov/eere/wind/wind-program
National Wind Coordinating Committee https://www.nationalwind.org/
Sandia Labs Wind Technology (Albuquerque, NM)
New Mexico 50 meter Wind Resource Map
Energy Efficiency
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs “What is Energy Efficiency”
http://eetd.lbl.gov/ee/ee-1.html -
Rocky Mountain Institute http://www.rmi.org/
“NegaWatts” Green University http://www.greenuniversity.net/Ideas_to_Change_the_World/Lovins.htm
Energy Efficient Lighting http://eartheasy.com/live_energyeff_lighting.htm
Energy Efficient Light Bulbs http://www.delmarfans.com/educate/basics/efficient-light-bulbs/
NMSEA “Alternative Energy on a Budget”
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cell Information Center http://hfcarchive.org/fuelcells/
Rails (nonprofit passenger rail group) (Albuquerque, NM)
Renewable Energy Partners Biofuels Info Center (Santa Fe, NM) http://www.renewableenergypartners.org/home.html
Rocky Mountain Institute http://www.rmi.org/sustainability_initiatives
Sustainable Santa Fe https://www.santafenm.gov/sustainable_santa_fe
Sustainable ABQ http://sustainableabq.com/
University of New Mexico Sustainability Studies Program (Albuquerque, NM) https://sust.unm.edu/index.html
Building With Awareness (Corrales, NM)
Solar Cooking
Solar Cookers International http://solarcooking.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Cookers_International_Network_%28Home%29
Water Catchment
Earthwright Designs (Santa Fe, NM: passive and active rainwater harvesting, grey and black water systems)
Texas Rainwater Harvesting Manual (PDF)
https://www.twdb.texas.gov/publications/brochures/conservation/doc/RainwaterHarvestingManual_3rdedition.pdf -
Harvest H2O (Santa Fe, NM: online rainwater harvesting community)
Midwest Renewable Energy Fair (the largest in the USA) https://www.theenergyfair.org/
Solar Fiesta (usually in September in Albuquerque, NM) http://www.nmsolarfiesta.org/
Green Fire Times (Santa Fe, NM: monthly newspaper focused on environmental issues and a sustainable Southwest)