a 13-episode video series of interviews
with some of New Mexico’s most fascinating Renewable Energy
Pioneers, Architects, Inventors, Designers, Entrepreneurs & Educators
A Little Background:
In the spring of 2012, the NMSEA Board of Directors voted to launch an ambitious video-base educational outreach project. The Board was encouraged by the facts that:
NMSEA had never taken on a project like this.
No one on the Board, with the exception of Janet Bridgers, had ANY video production background.
NMSEA had no grant funding or financial support for this project.
On the other hand (and by-the-way):
NMSEA has a wealth of alternative energy experts, gurus and Solar Pioneers.
Janet Bridgers was working with a veteran video producer – Toby Younis (www.videoterro.com)
Toby was quite interested in the project, and he made us a “deal” that we just couldn’t refuse.
So with great encouragement and patience from Toby (someone with almost as much experience in video as NMSEA has in solar), we began our journey.
About the RNM Episodes:
There are 13 RNM episodes. Each episode features two “guests”.
The NMSEA Renewable New Mexico TV series guest list includes:
• Solar pioneers and innovators Steve and Holly Baer (Zomeworks); ASES Passive Solar Architecture Pioneer Mark Chalom; and solar-thermal guru Bristol Stickney
• Educators: Olga Lavrova, Ph.D, UNM College of Engineering; Paul Lusk, Professor Emeritus, UNM College of Architecture; Monte Ogdahl, 2009-12 President NMSEA; Lisa Silva, Environmental Educator; and Diane Burke, Dean at Central New Mexico Community College
• Entrepreneurs: Odes Armijo-Caster (Sacred Power); Chuck Marken (AAA Solar); David Hughes (Affordable Solar); Windy Dankoff (Dankoff Solar); Allan Sindelar (Positive Energy); Kevin Basselleck (Consolidated Solar Technologies); Larry Mapes (Valverde Energy); and Ragan Matteson (biofuels cooperative)
• Solar Enthusiasts and Activists: Don Miller; Lloyd Goding,Ph.D.; Wayne Evelo; Amy Bunting; and Karen Paramanandam
• Plus Albuquerque Public Schools Energy Efficiency “Czar” Ron Rioux; City of Santa Fe Energy Specialist Nick Schiavo; and ex Schott Solar Albuquerque Site Director Rolf Nitsche.